Player 62147547 Quiz
Player 62147547 Quiz 59218271
1 Players: Born on Christmas Day 1899 the famous actor who had the middle name DeForrest, who made his debut in the film The Petrified Forest in 1936?
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Player 62147547 Quiz
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In ‘The Twelve Days Of Christmas’, what were there eight of? quitz
True or false: A long time ago Xmas pudding was actually a porridge... with fruit and alcohol. quitz
Which word, associated with Christmas, comes from a Greek word meaning 'we can act anything'? quitz
On Christmas day 1967, Paul McCartney announced his engagement to who? quitz
Which actor born in 1920 had the real name Joe Yule Jnr? quitz
In June 1991 weightlessness experiments were conducted on about 2,500 jellyfish aboard this quitz
(Sarah of the Clue Crew in Alaska) This bovine name is given to the process whereby huge chunks of ice break off glaciers, giving birth to icebergs quitz
Which charity ceased in 1989 after 5 years in which time it raised 90 million pounds? quitz
Born on Christmas Day 1899 the famous actor who had the middle name DeForrest, who made his debut in the film The Petrified Forest in 1936? quitz